Preparing for Surgery
before Surgery
As the day of the procedure arrives, plan to:
Follow pre-surgery directions and diet. Unless you’re having only local anesthesia, you may be told not to eat or drink anything after midnight before your procedure. This is because of the rare risk of food or liquid in your stomach getting into your lungs while you’re under sedation or general anesthesia. You may be told you can drink clear liquids and take your regular medications. No alcohol should be consumed 24 hours prior or after your surgical experience.
Bring a friend. You won’t be allowed to drive after outpatient surgery, or even after a few days in the hospital if you’re taking pain medication. Plan to have someone take you home.
Wear comfortable clothing. Your body might be sore or swollen from surgery, or you may have bulky bandages over your incisions. Leave jewelry and valuables at home.
Consider special dental appliances. Please be certain that your anesthesiologist is aware of any special dental appliances, caps or partial bridges that you may have. Dentures and contact lenses must be removed prior to surgery and can usually be replaced shortly after your arrival in the recovery room. Please advise your doctor pre-operatively if you have any loose, damaged or diseased teeth.
Nail polish, make-up and acrylic nails are are not recommended. These elements could interfere with your anesthesiologist’s ability to optimally observe any physical changes in your condition during surgery.
Communicate medical history and any drug allergies.
NPO Guidelines
NPO means “nothing by mouth,” from the Latin nil per os. Preoperative fasting guidelines are put in place for your safety and protection. Failure to follow any of the NPO guidelines results in postponement, or even cancellation, of a surgery.
Certain procedures may require special preoperative fasting instructions. If you receive separate instructions from your surgeon or the physician performing the procedure, those should be followed carefully.
These NPO Guidelines are based on American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration.
*Examples of clear liquids include water, fruit juices without pulp, carbonated beverages, clear tea, and black coffee without cream or sugar.
Clear Liquids*
Breast Milk
Infant Formula
Non-human Milk
Dry toast only
All solids for
pregnant women
All other solids
and liquids
Fasting Period
2 hours
4 hours
6 hours
6 hours
6 hours
8 hours
8 hours